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Just a Bite Page 6

  "So what can you do to fix him?" I said through clenched teeth, trying my best not to snap at him.

  "I can't do anything. He needs a blood transfusion. You think we have blood packages here?"

  "Then where can I get some?"

  He shook his head, leaning back against the door as he pinched the top of his nose bridge.

  "The only place I'd seen it around here is in the old clinic I worked at in Worj. But I haven't been there in a long time. And they converted the clinic into a small private hospital. I don't know who to get in contact with to see if we can have any donated."

  "What about the humans that live here? There's a few still, they could donate, maybe."

  "There's no guarantee that they're the same blood type as him, O+, and we don't have time for that, either. I'm very sorry. Truly."

  So what was he saying? That this was impossible? That Oliver was just going to die because the system didn't move fast enough to save someone who really needed it?

  But… a thought came to me then.

  "O+... How many bags of blood does it take to perform something like this?"

  "10 units over 24 hours. I can't get my hands on that much."

  "Can I see him?" I asked, hesitating. Doctor Geoffrey stepped to the side, allowing me to enter into the exam room again. Eric was still facing him, giving me just enough time to snatch a pair of latex gloves from the box tacked to the wall. I snuck them into my pocket as I stared at Oliver. Just seeing him there spread out on the table, unable to speak or open his eyes, broke my heart.

  "Oliver," I whispered, making my way to his side and grabbing one of his hands in mine. "It's going to be okay. You hear me?" I told him, knowing full well that he couldn't. My other hand sat atop the swell of his stomach, able to still feel movement inside.

  "I'm going to make sure you wake up, and that you and the kids will be fine. I swear."

  It felt strange trying to talk to him, with the doctor and the nurse's eyes focused on me. I didn't want them to pity me. I wanted someone to take action and do something, anything to save the man I was in love with.

  "How much time does he have, you think? Before you'll have to go in and perform a cesarean?"

  "I'm not sure. Maybe a day? Two max. He'll lose even more blood in the process, so we want to hold it off until we absolutely can't anymore."

  "All right. And what are we going to do with him in the meantime?"

  The two shared a confused look between one another.

  "I guess we'll stay in rotated shifts until it's time. While his condition remains stable, that's all we CAN do. Until it starts to worsen."

  "Thanks. Both of you. I'll be back."

  I turned, leaving the two of them immediately to storm out of the clinic, ignoring them as they tried to stop me. I didn't need to hear anymore. Two days, that was more than enough time. I gulped, staring up at the darkness hanging in the sky and the glittering of stars above. I could do it before the sun came up, in fact.

  I blew into the purple gloves I'd stolen to make it easier to slip my dry hands inside of them as I kept on walking rather than getting into my truck. I'd leave that behind here in the clinic's parking lot. I didn't want anyone to find any finger prints or a license plate when I went to Worj. I was armed with nothing but sneakers, sweatpants, and a hoodie.

  But that was all I needed. I was a vampire, damn it. I could do whatever I needed, and could accomplish anything if I focused. It'd take fifteen minutes to run to Worj, and maybe another ten to find the renovated hospital. And from there, just a little more time to get inside and find wherever it was they kept their blood bags.

  The stares from the other vampires on the streets were ignored, I knew how strange it must have looked to see me walking around with purple hospital gloves, shirtless, and storming away from town as fast as possible. I looked crazy.

  And maybe I was crazy for trying to do this. But I'd do anything for Oliver. I swore it. I'd never hurt him, and I wasn't going to let anything take him away from me.

  The renovated clinic was several stories high, and difficult to climb with the gloves. And what was worse, I didn't see any other way inside from the back of the building or on the upper levels that would allow me to enter without notice. On the roof I could see the lights from inside out of the front sliding doors. That was not an option. From the opposite side of the wall, I could see a security officer and an employee enjoying a smoke break together, too busy with the conversation between them to notice me.

  I hoped they wouldn't hear me, but this was the only thing I could do. I didn't even know if I would be able to get inside, since I was sneaking in. But this was a public place, right? I wouldn't need to be welcomed in...

  I hoped.

  Walking backwards a bit, I faced the west side of the hospital and said a prayer for myself before taking off into a sprint. I ran as fast as I could, using the movement to fall forward off of the side of the building. As I jumped, I turned in the air, spinning around to grab the top edges of the building's roof to help me change directions. I kicked my legs, swinging forward to slam through the window.

  Glass scattered all around, and because I was hanging onto the roof's ledge, I was unable to block my face as I rolled inside. I could feel the tiny bits of glass shards scratch across my skin. Hopefully nothing had gotten stuck into me.

  There was a bit of shouting outside, but no one in the immediate room I had crashed into. At least, not yet. Even with the light off, I was able to see this was some sort of storage area. Tons of machines and medical equipment sitting with large plastic covers over the top. Things that I didn't need.

  I dusted myself off, a few more pieces of glass fell out of the folds of my hoodie and hit the ground. Quietly as possible, I crept across the room. Doing my best not to disturb anything or knock over any equipment to alert the security to what room I was in. Carefully, as I got closer to the front door, I pressed my ear against it. Listening for signs of anyone running around the hallway. I let out a sigh of relief after not hearing anything for a few minutes.

  The door handle was locked. Great, more things I'd have to break. Of course I didn't want to knock down the entire door and have a swarm of people on my ass before I could get the blood for Oliver. I gave it a turn, continuing to twist it as hard as I could in the direction the lock would have turned until it gave a loud, crunching pop.

  "Fuck," I whispered, staying completely still, listening to any movement around the hospital. I guess no one had heard it, and now I could finally get out of the room.

  I turned my nose up to the air, trying to smell for any trace of blood. More than a drop, more than that inside of a person, but hoard of it. I kept my body up against the wall in case anyone came by, hoping that I could turn a corner fast enough for them not to see me as I crept around the hospital.

  That's when I could finally smell it. That irony, thick, delicious scent of ichor leading me down another hallway to the left like a blood hound on the trail of a rabbit. Another turn left, a turn right, and left again. Footsteps fell behind me as I turned once more, the smell of blood growing ever stronger.

  But nothing more. Just a few steps that stopped once I stopped. Maybe I was hearing things.

  The door on the opposite side of the hallway was where it was coming from. I closed my eyes, trying to remember the turns I had made when I was moving around as I'd have to follow them back. I didn't want to bust through another window. The less damage and noise I caused, the better.

  The door to this room wasn't locked, which was strange. I'd think of all the rooms, this one would be, but I wasn't complaining. I opened it, slowly, looking left and right to see if anyone else was around as my eyes adjusted to the pitch blackness of the room. I fumbled with the door handle, making sure to lock it despite having no moonlight or starlight to help see.

  My mouth fell open at the sight as my pupils dilated to take in the view of shapes hidden in shadow. Bags upon bags of human blood ready for the taking. I had to search
through the different glass door of refrigerated bags labeled by blood type. The third from the left was O+. There was significantly less of this blood compared to the other ones for some reason, but I didn't dwell on the fact. I needed to grab as much as I could and get out fast.

  "What are you doing?" I heard a familiar voice say, causing me to snap my head to the right and giving myself whiplash in the process.

  "W-what are you doing here?" I asked, though I didn't need to know why. James stood up, smoothing out the folds of his hospital gown with fresh blood dripping from the corners of his mouth, and covering his chin in a mess.

  "I'm drinking. What does it look like," he frowned, staring at me as I reached forward to open up the glass cooler. "Now answer my question."

  "I need blood," I scowled. "Of course you'd be here when I'm trying to get shit done."

  "It's just like I said at the festival. I'm in detox."

  That's right. I'd already forgotten that part of our conversation.

  "Then go back to where you belong and leave me alone." I proceeded to grab as many bags of blood as I could get, able to stuff four into either of my hoodie pockets for a total of eight. Whatever else I got, I'd have to carry. I wasn't sure if Oliver would need anymore, so I'd grab extra just in case. As much as I could.

  "Why are you even here, though? You've never stolen blood before. You're a good boy, at least I thought you were."

  "I need it. Go away."

  "You don't belong here either, so don't patronize me." His eyes wandered over my body, narrowing on the container I was stealing from.

  "O+? No other kind?"

  "No. Be quiet before you get me found out."

  "What happened to Oliver?" He growled suddenly, approaching me. I slammed the door shut, backing away from him as soon as he started to come closer.

  "I said shut up!" I growled in frustration.

  "If he's hurt, I have the right to know."

  "You gave up that right when you threw him out of the house."

  "You're right. I don't deserve to know, but I need to. I just... I just want to be sure that he's okay."

  I stared at him. Stunned.

  "Who are you and what have you done to my brother?" I couldn't believe this change in his attitude.

  "Liam, please." He begged, grabbing at my hoodie and giving it a shake. I wriggled out of his grasp so that he wouldn't knock out any of the blood I had collected. Before I could tell him, though, there was a pounding at the door. And the handle began to turn violently. Thank God I locked it behind me.

  "Shit, I told you not to be loud," I whispered, backing away.

  "Too late for that now. What are we going to do now?"

  "I don't know!"

  The door was kicked open after the handle wriggled some more, allowing the group of security officers and their flashlights into the room. I felt blinded by the brightness of them suddenly, dropping down to my knees. They must have been UV lights, the way my eyes burned upon seeing them was beyond painful.

  "Get on the floor!" They shouted, still pointing their lights right in my face.

  "Liam, go!" James ordered. I winced, looking up as the flashlights suddenly moved away to see James rush straight at them, barreling into them all with his arms out and knocking as many as he could to the ground. I stood up, clutching the blood bags in my arms and ran, stepping over the top of the guards laid out on the floor. Until suddenly I wasn't running.

  One of the security officers grabbed hold of my ankle, and at the speed I was trying to flee I slammed face first into the ground.

  "Fuck!" I shouted in pain, rolling onto my side as I was pulled again. "Get off of me!" I screamed at the man, pulling my leg back to kick him in the face. But James was already on him, grabbing the man by the back of his hair and slamming his face into the linoleum of the hospital.

  "You're gonna kill him!" I warned, scrambling to stand up and pick up the bags.

  "Just go! Take care of Oliver, you idiot! Don't worry about me!"

  I gulped, watching as more of the officers started to run down the hallway alongside several members of staff. They were going to swarm him. One vampire could only do so much against so many of them. But he was right. This wasn't about us right now. I had to get this shit to save Oliver.

  I mouthed thank you to him over my shoulder as I started to run again. Though I doubt he saw it. I followed my path back to where I had come from, and ran straight through the machines, no longer caring about destroying some in the process as they hit the ground with echoing crashes.

  "Here goes nothing," I said to myself, running and leaping straight out of the top floor window, and bracing myself for impact. The ground rushed up fast, and I rolled as soon as I felt my soles hit the pavement. At this height, it still hurt me. Vampire or not. But I didn't let it slow me down. I ran, as fast as I fucking could, to get back home before the sun came up.

  I only hoped that James would be okay.

  Chapter 10


  "I don't feel so good," I groaned, sitting up on the bed. Why was it so uncomfortable? I realized it was an exam table, not back at home on our couch or our bed. I looked around the cold clinic room, and noticed the drip bag I was hooked up to.

  "Are you feeling better?" Liam asked me, sitting on the stool next to my side, my hand in his.

  "What happened?" I asked, trying to shake the dizzy spell out of my head.

  "You were unconscious."

  That's right. I had passed out at home. After we...

  "But why am I here?"

  "You weren't waking up. Your iron was dropping to dangerous levels, and so close to labor, too." Doctor Geoffrey was on the opposite side off me, I hadn't even noticed him until now.

  "How long have I been out for?"

  "Several hours. And it looked like you were going to stay that way if it weren't for Liam."

  I shook my head again, allowing myself to fall back onto the exam table once again as I stared up at the ceiling. Was it really because of how low my iron was? I was starting to feel guilty, I should have listened and taken those stupid pills like the doctor told me to do.

  "Thank you for getting me here," I sighed.

  "For more than that," I heard the nurse, Eric, speak up next. "If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't have had the blood to do the transfusion. However he was able to do so. I'm not gonna question it."

  "Thank you. For saving my life, and our children." I smiled, but there was something upsetting him. He looked terrible and disheveled. His hoodie stained with blood, scratches were littered across his face and his hands.

  "We'll let you two have some time alone for now. We'll be back to check on you soon."

  The two left the room, Eric bouncing a baby on his hip. Why he brought their child to work, I didn't know.

  "You look like shit," I chuckled, but when Liam didn't return my smile, I knew for sure something was up. "What happened?"

  "I'd rather not go into it." He gave my hand a comforting squeeze. But I wanted to know.

  "Liam? Where did you get the blood from?"

  His attitude totally changed, his brows furrowing as he scowled, looking away from me. The frown on his face creased his smile lines, and he spat. In anger or frustration. Probably both.

  "Tell me..." I insisted.

  "I... had to take it."

  "You stole it?" I sat up again, pulling my hand away from him so that I could turn to face him properly. Careful not to pull out my IV.

  "I had to. No one was going to give it to us, and there's no one around who could donate to you. There was no other option. And it was a bitch to get."

  "What about the other people who needed it? It feels like we took it away from them, too."

  "What about them? You're mine. I told you I'd never hurt you, and not getting you the help you needed would hurt you. I'd do anything for you. Steal, kill, you tell me. I'll do it." Liam stood up so suddenly his seat tipped over and clattered to the floor. He grabbed my hand again, refusing to let
me pull it away. "Do you understand me? I love you, and I meant it."

  "But not like that..."

  "This isn't only about you either. Think about your kids. You could have died, and who knows what could have happened to them? Don't act so childish."

  "I'm not! I'm being honest."

  "Do you love me? At all?" He turned the discussion around, and it left me confused. I still felt dazed after waking up, and this was making my head spin even worse.

  "What does that have to do with this?"

  "Tell me, then. Tell me you love me, that you'd do anything for me, too?"

  "You know I would. Anything I could, I would. I want us to be a family."

  "And so do I." He leaned down, placing a kiss to my forehead. "And that same feeling you feel for me, I have for you. It wasn't right of me, I admit it. But I refuse to let you die."

  I sighed, feeling conflicted. What he did was wrong. It was disgusting, and it did take away something that other people might need in an emergency. But he was right. This wasn't only about me. What if something happened to my babies?

  "I... understand. I don't want to. But I do."

  "I love you, Oliver. You're going to be healthy, and you're going to have healthy babies. We're going to be a happy family, and we need you in the picture for that to come true."

  "Okay. I-I love you too." I smiled up at him, taking in the pain on his face, the scuffed up look of his appearance. He'd gone through hell to get this for me. No one had ever done anything like that just for my sake. "You deserve better than me." I sighed as I broke eye contact with him. I shut my lids, squeezing them tight as I tried to focus. Better than I deserved. He loved me and did all this for me. But he was too good for me...


  No he wasn't. That spiraling I was waiting to start to come didn't happen. I wasn't going to go down the rabbit hole of shitty thoughts and comparing this relationship to my last one. He didn't deserve that.