Just a Taste Read online

Page 4

  Once he decided they were wet enough, he removed them, causing me to cough slightly at the sudden withdrawal. They moved towards my most private area, making me tense up at the sensation. Each slippery finger pad rubbed gently over my P-spot, smoothing it with my saliva. I was thankful that he hadn't tried to slip a finger inside, though, with his nails being so sharp.

  "Just breathe," he sighed. That's when I felt it, the sensation of him pressing his manhood against me there. It was easy to say to just breathe, it was easier to tell myself to simply relax. But it was so difficult to actually do it. Something was about to go in there, and I could already feel that it was much too large. How was he supposed to fit?!

  My breathing quickened, my nerves making my whole body become rigid. Sebastian continued to place kisses up and down the side of my jaw and neck, whispering sweet words to me as though they would help.

  "Be calm, my pet. I'll be easy with you."

  "I'm scared it'll hurt…"

  "It'll only hurt if you remain tense." His lips rested against the shell of my ear, his tongue darting out to lap at the lobe there. "Relax. Relax…"

  The words that whispered into my ear spread throughout my entire body, that rigid sensation melting away from me as my body felt so loose. His words of command forced my body to obey the way I couldn't on my own.

  "Yes, Master." I tilted my head back to rest against his shoulder, and again I could feel him attempting to enter me. His hips pushed forward, pressing against me with more and more force at each attempt. And although I felt wet there, it was still enough pressure to make me wince. Finally, he pushed hard enough to allow the head to come inside.

  My eyes watered, but it wasn't entirely painful.

  It felt good to feel so full. Full of him inside me.

  "Fuck," I whined as a few tears began to trail down the side of my cheek, which my Master lapped away with his tongue.

  "So vulgar." He smirked, pressing his cheek against mine now as he rocked himself deeper into me.

  I gasped, squeezing my eyes tightly shut as he pressed, sliding deep inside until I felt his pelvis hit my rear. He was in full hilt now, but stayed there, only rocking gently to accommodate me to his length and girth. After minutes of staying still, he withdrew himself out half-way before pressing in fully again. The rhythm was soothing, and made me relax even more against him. I felt like putty in his arms as he started to quicken his pace.

  Each time he would pull out, I started to press myself against him to meet him. The eerie quiet of his abode allowed the sound of our flesh pressing against one another to grow ever louder, the faster he and I began to bounce against one another.

  "Ahh, my God!" I cried out as he started to get even rougher. He pushed me off him, but I was able to catch myself on my hands. His much larger frame lurched over mine, his arms wrapped around my chest and waist as though he could hold back no longer.

  "Do you like it, pet?" he panted, his thrusts becoming more sporadic, his prominent hip bones hitting my ass with such a force I was sure there would be bruises remaining.

  "Y-yes, Master," I whined, leaning forward to bury my face into the soft grass as he grinded against me. At this angle, each slam into me was beginning to press into a sensitive spot. It made my own cock begin to twitch as pre-cum oozed out from my head.

  "Tell me,” he demanded, the soothing thrusts reminiscent of love-making turning so forceful. He was trying to fuck me senseless, and it was working.

  "I like it. D-don't stop!" I cried, chewing on my lip as I tried to ride the waves of pain and pleasure that made me shiver.

  He grunted, removing a hand from around me to grasp at my hair, pulling it back with a hard tug that lifted me from the ground and back against him once more. It felt like he was beginning to swell inside of me, or maybe my walls were tightening against him as I got so fucking close to finishing.

  I was right on the edge, and from how raggedly he breathed I believed he was feeling the same.

  "You're so tight… I can't hold it…" he growled against me. I kept throwing myself back against him, the rhythm becoming loose and desperate.

  "I'm gonna cum!" I shouted, staring up at the twilight that was fading to dusk. The stars twinkled there, and I could feel my manhood tremble. Then, there was the sharp, sudden pain that made my heart stop.

  My blood pooled quickly into Sebastian's mouth as he sucked, his fangs perfectly opening a vein there. But he couldn't catch it all as it began to trail down my throat, staining the white of my shirt as he drank his fill sloppily. I felt light-headed, but the burning pain and the pleasurable sensation of him still thrusting sent me over that edge. My body began to twitch as I came, spurting my semen all over the ground, as I suddenly felt even more full than before.

  I didn't know whether I was screaming from that deep rumbling pleasure, but he felt so tight inside me I thought I would pass out from the feeling of being stretched. And still he pulled on my throat, his tongue darting between his fangs as he continued to drink from me.

  That lightheaded feeling came in waves. Feeling faint, then feeling grounded, every time he pulled a new gush of blood as he throbbed inside of me, filling me with his seed.

  Finally he let me go, snarling as he turned my head to the side and met my mouth with a kiss. My blood tasted so irony, but I didn't mind it.

  He broke from the kiss, eyes wild and glowing in the darkness.

  "Why are you still…" I asked, swaying slightly from the blood loss. He held onto me tightly after releasing my hair, the lower portion of his face masked in crimson.

  "We'll stay stuck like this for a while. My apologies." He smirked, pulling both of us to the ground in a spooning position.

  "Is… that normal?" I shuddered, feeling his tongue come back to my throat and clean up what droplets were still smeared there.

  "For my kind, pet."

  "That's okay… That's fine. I feel… tired."

  His fingers trailed over my arm, running his talons over my flesh so lightly it caused goosebumps to spring up.

  "Rest if you need it. I drank quite a bit."

  It was silent, and the dizziness was becoming overwhelming. I wasn't going to die, was I?

  No. He wouldn't let me…

  "You said you missed your family…" Sebastian said out of nowhere. I nodded, the world around me spinning in circles, even with my eyes shut. I felt like I couldn't stop fucking spinning.


  "I'll take you to them."

  Chapter 6


  I didn’t know why I had been acting awkward when I was the one that initiated everything. Although he had offered me a taste, he hadn't specifically offered me his body. And yet he had showed no sign of remorse, no regret at I had done to him, or what had taken place in the garden that evening. I allowed him to sleep chain-free for the rest of the night. He also slept through the day; we typically did sleep when the sun was up. I was worried that I drank too much from him, as he felt cold during that time. Here he was, looking just as fine as ever. He acted as though nothing had happened.

  I dared say he seemed a little more joyful than usual this week.

  Today especially. I’d promised to take him home, and like him, I did not go back on my word. There was an issue, his clothing. His shirt, although we had tried to wash it, was completely stained with spatters of blood. He didn't seem to realize the issue there, was more ecstatic on our trip to his home. I allowed him to guide me as I carried him in my arms. He lived hours outside of the city, so it took a good chunk of the evening just to near his neighborhood. We jumped rooftop to rooftop to stay out of the way of prying eyes.

  "Stop! Stop, Master. This is it," he said as we landed on top of another roof. I allowed him to drop from my arms and slid down slightly before coming to a halt.

  "Are you sure?" I questioned, carefully scoping out the surrounding homes. Most of the lights inside them were off, so at least no one would be staring at us atop his roof.

  "This is
it! I'm certain of it. I think my mom might be asleep though. This side is where the window to my room is." He crawled across the shingles on his hands and knees, leaning over the side to stare upside down at what I supposed was his window.

  "Need help?" I paced behind him, my hands tucked behind my back casually.

  "No, I don't see the latch. One second." His tongue hung out of his mouth as he focused on trying to wrench the window open from his strange position. I took another step, and then another, allowing gravity to change as I fell and stood upside down against the sides of the roof that hung over the windowsill. He gasped as I did.

  "You scared the shit out of me!" He frowned, watching as I helped to open the window.

  "Apologies," I replied coolly. There, it was open now.

  I grabbed his arms, helping him to swing his body over the sill. It was a bit of a struggle, but he had been losing a bit of weight staying with me. It was like throwing a blade of grass.

  "I'm in!" he called out. There were no curtains to block anyone from viewing into the window, so I could see him clearly with no obscurity. He immediately headed over towards a dresser and changed out of his stained clothing into a pair of what I learned to be denim pants and a cotton maroon shirt.

  He was already running towards the doorway to his room, swinging it open before he stopped and looked at me from over his shoulder.

  "Aren't you coming?"

  "You haven't invited me in yet."

  "Oh. Uh, come in, please. I wouldn't want anyone to see a man hanging upside down in front of my window in those clothes."

  "Those clothes?" I asked with a frown, swinging myself into his window as well.

  "Yeah. As a matter of fact, why don't you change? You’re pretty tall, but I think you could fit my other stuff."

  I landed gracefully into his room, looking around as he fumbled through his dresser and closet. An electric box with a strange typewriter in front of it, another electric box that read the time next to his bed. And a few pieces of paper taped to the walls with images of instruments and people holding them.

  "You enjoy the orchestra?" I asked as I walked towards one of the pictures.

  "Not so much an orchestra as a band, Master," he laughed, coming towards me with clothing in his hand. "Here, change into this."

  I turned my nose up in disgust as I took them from him. The shirt was similar to his, but blue in color. I felt the pants he handed me, they were made of some very soft material. It wasn’t velvet. I had no idea what this fabric could be. Satin? Silk?

  "What are these? Do you think this befits someone of my station?" I made a face.

  "It's a t-shirt. And those are basketball shorts. Just put them on if you don't want my mom asking too many questions."

  I sighed, "And now my pet dresses me like a court jester."

  "Don't be so weird about it. Don't you want your pet to come back with you?"

  Oh, I hated how he teased me. I grumbled under my breath, finding myself unable to argue further with him and took to stripping right there.

  The clothes felt freeing, but so inappropriate. A nobleman should be covered, at least in public.

  "They feel a bit… tight… on my crotch." I pulled at the fabric that was squeezing me, but Duke merely pulled my hand away.

  "Just ignore it. C'mon, I want to wake my mom up."

  I followed him out of his room and down the hall. The soft carpets cushioned our steps as we snuck around, but I was still so surprised his mother hadn't stirred awake.

  "Hmm?" the woman groaned. She must've been a very heavy sleeper to not hear two people clambering into her room. I stood a ways away, so that the first thing she would see as she woke would be her son.

  "Mom! It's me!" Duke said, throwing himself onto his sleeping mother and wrapping his arms around her.

  "Duke? Duke, it's you! Oh, thank God! My baby." She buried her face in his neck as she sobbed. What little of my heart was left broke at the sight. I'd taken him from his family for my own selfish reasons.

  It made me think about my wife. How she wept for our children.

  "It's me. I'm here." He clung to her tightly.

  "Where have you been? And who's that?" She leaned to the side, staring straight at me. I nodded at her.

  "He's… Listen. Come downstairs, I'll explain everything."

  "So you were trespassing." His mother sipped on the cup of tea she had made, gently massaging the side of her temple as though she was trying to force the information in. Of course my pet had lied and left out a few details, but the outcome was the same as the true story.

  "Yeah. It was so stupid, I shouldn't have listened to the guys."

  "You're right, you shouldn't have. But then you were attacked by a wolf?" She looked up at him, her skepticism obvious.

  "Yeah, just like Jake had been. Right?" He turned to me.

  "He's correct."

  "Jake did tell me he was worried you got bit. He thought the wolf had rabies, the way it was foaming at the mouth. Have you even been to the hospital? It bit you on the neck, you should get it sewn up!"

  Duke jerked away from his mother's grasp as she tried to pull him closer and investigate the wound still healing on his throat. Just the thought of biting him there was making me hungry again. I'd been craving another taste since the first drop.

  "I'm fine, Mom. Honest. Thanks to him."

  "So, Sebastian. You saved my son from the dog, and he's been staying with you since? A stranger?" Her eyebrow raised curiously, giving me an up and down look.

  "Correct. You must understand, Worj is a very small town. There isn't much help for hours around. We have a single clinic that suits our needs."

  That skepticism never left, but I was thankful she didn't push the issue further.

  "At least you're back home. Thank you for helping my son, Sebastian." She got up from her seat, heading into the kitchen again and grabbing the kettle that still sat on her cooking contraption. As she was out of earshot, I quickly stepped to Duke and grabbed him.

  "Something down here stinks, it's burning my nose."

  "You do look quite red," he replied, holding my face and turning it left and right, inspecting me.

  "I haven't been red in decades." I harrumphed.

  "You are super red, though. Is it… oh. My mom likes to hang up her herbs. Maybe it's the garlic?"

  I hissed at the mention of such a putrid plant, trying to wave him away.

  "I'll retreat up to your room again once you're ready to leave."

  "Leave? Already? We just got here."

  "What's going on?" his mother asked, approaching us with a new cup of steaming tea. We both looked towards her and pulled away as quickly as we had come together.

  "N-nothing! He's allergic to garlic. Even the smell's making him red," Duke said with haste. He was so good at coming up with lies on the spot.

  I wonder if he had yet lied to me…

  "Poor dear. I have some anti-histamines upstairs, come on." His mother grabbed me by my arm as she passed me, attempting to drag me with her up the steps. As she made it to the first step, she paused. She hesitated as she slowly turned towards me, then to the wall.

  To the small mirror.

  "Mom, are you alright?" Duke asked, coming after us.

  "He… he's got…" Her cup dropped to the floor, rolling down the first step and spilling its hot contents all over the place. "He doesn't have a reflection."

  Chapter 7


  Why? Why did she ever have to look at him and his reflection?

  I spent the rest of the evening trying to explain to my mother what she had seen. I told her everything. From the very start to the very end. Okay, so it wasn't a dog that bit me. It was him. There were such things as vampires. And that was where I'd been staying, with Sebastian in his castle this entire time.

  The sun was already starting to rise at this point, and Sebastian was exhausted. He was hiding upstairs, sleeping in my closet, the door shut. I’d tacked up my blankets to co
ver the window as best I could so that he could roam around without getting burned. I was thankful that he was missing in this action, however. My mother was still shaking after I told her.

  "I don't believe it. I can't," she kept saying over and over.

  "But you have to. You saw it for yourself."

  "No, not that. I can't believe that you've been living with him, that creature. That monster!" There were tears in her eyes and her fists were squeezed tightly on her lap.

  "He's not a monster! His name is Sebastian. He could have killed me, and he didn't. Please cut it out," I begged her.

  She didn't want to hear what I had to say, but I spoke the truth. I told her every detail of what had transpired.

  Minus the sex.

  "We should call the police," she said.

  "What in the hell are they going to do against a vampire?"

  "Maybe they can burn down the castle, and everything that's inside. What else are they supposed to do, shoot silver bullets at it?"

  "Mom!" I turned to her, scowling at her. "First of all, that's what you're supposed to do to werewolves."

  "Stake it in the heart then!"

  "Second of all, it’s thanks to him that I'm here in the first place. And he's not an it. His name is Sebastian. He brought me all this way to see you, and this is how you're acting? You should be thanking him."

  "Thanking him? After he kidnapped you and hid you away for weeks?! And look at you, you're all skin and bones!" She grabbed my arms, looking at my protruding elbows and my bony wrists.

  I pulled away from her, taking several steps away so she couldn't prod me with her fingers anymore.

  "Stop it!"

  "And your stomach, it's starting to swell too. You're clearly malnourished."

  I stared down, clutching at the skin on my tummy. It was true. I was starting to swell up, maybe I was malnourished after all. But that didn't excuse her wanting to call the cops.

  "Please, for me. Don't call anyone. If you did, I'd never be able to forgive you."